Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend Update

Saturday - R1P2D7 =  -1.0
Sunday - R1P2D8 = -0.2 (story and feeling below)
Today - R1P2D9-  -2

Total so far.... 12.4 lbs !!!!

What a crazy weekend! On Friday night E and I went to Lee Harvey's, it was our first time going and it was FUN! We ate outside and watched a Cure tribute band named Le Cure! Prior to going I researched their menu and low and behold they sell a chicken or burger patty with a choice of salsa on the side. I debated about eating there knowing that in the past weekends are very difficult and Mondays and Tuesdays are spent playing catch up. I decided because we were going out so late and would probably be out later that I would bite the bullet and get a burger patty with salsa and TONS of water. It was divine! the portion was probably close to 3 protein portions but oh well... I had no regrets. E got the burger and fries that looked divine. I did not eat anything from his plate, correction, I had pickles and they were DIVINE so I ordered an extra little cup and ate away! I knew that I would have to "pay" for it on Saturday's weight in but low and behold I lost a POUND! I was so surprised (and happy). Saturday was tough because we had errands to run and we were not home that much. I didn't eat anything off protocol but I didn't eat my two meals. Just one dinner. So I was not happy when Sunday's weigh in was a mere 0.2 lbs. I did not get discouraged, a loss is a loss no matter what! I will chip away at this weight for my health! But I figured that it probably took a couple of days for that big burger patty to process and that is why the loss was miniscule.
This morning, our 13th Year Anniversary I was hoping for a BIG loss so I could hit 13 on 13 :) but nope. I am VERY happy with my 2 lbs lost! Now that I think about it I may have hit 13 so I have to redo my math... I will update the post but I am VERY VERY VERY happy with this journey. It is difficult but my health is worth it! I am sticking to it no matter what!


1 comment:

    "Swad ka Naya andaz"
