Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Haircut... New Job

This is my new haircut. Leeanna did an excellent job. I wore it straight today but I did not get a picture. This is me 45 lbs down.

Today was my LOAD day.... oh what a day. Ed made me yummy grilled cheese and for lunch we went to the Adams and had a potluck lunch... super yummy and filling.

I am so looking forward to this cycle. I want to stay strict with myself and the diet.

I L*O*V*E*D Conference this weekend and have a list of things to improve on.

On a side note.. I have been looking for a new job the last 3-4 months because the company I was "temping" at is more like a "permanent temp" position... no light at the end of the tunnel. Well, on Friday I decided and also let Heavenly Father know that my asking days were over. The conversation was a little bit like this... " So it is clear that I am to stay at my current job, because clearly the answer is "no" to a new job... so I will not ask anymore or fast anymore or pray anymore for a new job--- you will not hear from me concerning a new job-- just an FYI :) ..... well, like always, I was reminded that Heavenly Father NEVER gives up on us and HE DOES ANSWER PRAYERS. A new job has presented itself and I gladly took it. If I would have just waiting patiently.... and not thrown a hissy fit :(

I am so loved by Him and He is so mindfull of me.... if I could just remember that, specially when I just want to give up.


Friday, March 18, 2011


Last night I went shopping - and here is the fabulous top I picked out - I am going back and buying a black and white version of it tonight! The best part???????? NO MORE PLUS SIZE RACKS FOR ME!!!!!!!! This is a LARGE - on the regular rack. The pants are a size 14! Ed asked if I wanted to take a picture - that's a good sign huh?
I also bought a pair of 5 inch red heels from my fav - Steve Madden! I will take a picture when I get my black top. I forgot how fun clothes shopping can be. I am enjoying my weight now and still have my eyes on the prize!!!!
I love that it is Friday! Can't wait until 5PM!!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

TRANSFORMERS! Theres more than meets the eye!

This is me today - 43 lbs down and thinking I need to retire this dress - it is one of my favorites but it's got to go.

The pictures above was last year in Canada at Time Out For Women - I seriously look like I was stung by a BEE... a BIG bee. I am so glad I am getting healthy! I am down to a size 14 pants - love it!
I am sick again... but I am going to take medicine without SUGAR, thanks Peggy for the heads up on that one!
It is late so I must be off... It is nice to actually see the transformation :)

I am in the 70's heading towards the 60's!!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

36 DOWN!

This is me - last month at the end of my first round. I was so happy to lose 21 lbs!!!
This is me yesterday! 36 lbs down! I am fitting into a size 14 and loving it! I am feeling like myself again. I am 14 lbs away from 50! I think I will be able to hit that next round! This round was horrible. Not all of it, the beginning was awesome... lost 2lbs per day, THEN I got sick and had to take caugh medicine which has a ton of SUGAR! So I stalled for about 6 days! I was so ready to give up but I am glad I did not!
Here are the totals-
Round 1 - 21 lbs
Round 2- 15 lbs
36 lbs total!
I can't wait to see what next round has in store for me! March 1 is my first load day- I am having sensible breakfast and lunch and pupusas for dinner! March 2 is my second load day- I am having a sensible breakfast and lunch and going to go to Red Robin to get a yummy burger with steak fries ( honey mustard on the side for dipping)!

Valentines Mantle

This is my Valentines Mantle. I love Valentines Day. A "PINK" is all around and you can't go wrong with
These are the roses that Ed got for me, which was a super surprise! The blocks I was supose to make with my girlfriend but we got to chatting and never made them- she finished them for me and did an awesome JOB! I need to get a pink tote so I can put my decorations away. Spring is my next theme. The bird will stay :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Turtles are Faster than my Internet

So by now you are thinking.... That Cecilia promises pictures but never delivers! Although that is a TRUE statement... let me explain, It is not ME... I have the pictures uploaded on my lap top BUT my internet connection is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO slow that I can't even sign on to my blog, let alone upload the pictures... grrrrrrrrrrr so frustrating! Ed and I are working on getting a faster connection. We could go to our local MickyDees but A- there are crazy loud children running around. B- there are crazy loud unsupervised children running around, and do I really need to mention C?

This weekend I will try to go to the Book Store and upload the pictures there. The last time I went to the bookstore - a week or so ago, two gentlemen that I would have never put together sat at the table next to me and played chess. I am assuming (which you should never do) that they met online and became chess players/partners. I then daydreamed about finding someone online that shares my interests... scrapbooking and crafting and then I remembered that I have friends that I already know that do that so I don't have to look online... then I remembered that I was taking a TIMED test and needed to get going!

Was SURVIVOR not the BEST last night? I must admit that when I say the cast I thought.... "BORING!!!!!!" this season will be LAME.... then Phillip opened his mouth and I was entertained! Seriously, I always thought I would be a great contestant of Survivor... comic relief and all BUT boy I don't even come close to that LOONEY! Who totally says the WRONG things at Tribal? oh yeah... Phillip!!!! Don't get me started on those Fusia Panties!

Modern Familia was excellent!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Watch CC Go!

So I have mentioned before how Ed does not want to be affiliated with the blog, he suggested I rename it to Watch CC Go - because so far it has been about my weight lose....

Well, I am going to write about something else.... tonight I will post pictures of my Valentine's Day display & my 80's picture because I am close to entering the 70's :)

We got an antique buffett for super cheap from a good friend a couple of years ago and I like to decorate it with "seasonal/holiday" decor - I do not do Easter because I am anti Easter Bunny - I might do more Spring like... birds and such. I absolutely WILL NOT decorate for St. Patrick's Day (even though Ed is half Irish & Malo has a St. Patrick's Day t-shirt (we did not buy, a friend did) ). I can't wait to decorate for the 4th of July! I love STARS!

Our little townhouse feels so much like "home", it has been a long time since a place we lived in feels that way... since the fire to be exact :(
We love Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A POUND AWAY!!!!!!!!!

So, when I started the HCG diet I made a goal for myself. When I hit 30 lbs I go to the Allen TX outlet mall and get myself a coach purse. Well I am a pound away and have decided that I will get my purse when I hit 50 lbs. I cannot wait, I will post pictures!!!!!!!!

Also, every 10 lbs I will post a picture of me dressed up from that decade- for example, when I hit 80's I will dress up like the 80's and post a pic - PICTURE WILL BE POSTED TONIGHT OR SOMETIME TOMORROW- That is right! I hit the 180's this morning! I am not talking 189 - more like 188.8. I went from 191.4 to 188.8 in a day- thanks to the STEAK DAY!

Maybe I will be able to post a picture of me in the 70's by the end of this PHASE 2 - which is ending February 18th... here is to hoping!

We are suppose to get bad snow and ice again tomorrow!

Friday, January 28, 2011


Let me first start off by explaining my title today.

In Phase 1 of the HCG diet you take the HGC drops 3 x per day AND load (which means you eat anything you want). I mentioned in an earlier post that I was super excited about eating whatever I wanted.

Well I weighed myself this morning and I gained 3, yes- THREE/TRES pounds. At first I was very upset! My first round I gained 2 lbs in 2 days. I could not believe it! But gaining these 3 lbs (which I will lose by Sunday) has given me a chance to really look at the relationship that I have with food. This is the knowledge I learned about myself:

1. Food is not comforting anymore :) ... when I think about donuts and pecan pie I get negative feelings - not those comforting feeling I use to get.

2. I am so happy that I now think of what I am putting in my mouth and the consequence that follows - yesterday I ate: 1 donut, chocolate milk, 2 pigs in a blanket with jalapeno, a roll, briskett, fries, pecan pie, 3 large shrimp tampura, about 3 large shrimp rolls, potato tampura- so that is how I gained my 3 lbs - BUT before I would eat that much in a day and not even think of what I was doing to my body. No wonder I was super sized!

3. I am so looking forward to tomorrow and the 22 days that follow. I love the structured eating. The bounderies that this diet gives me. Before I had no bounderies, I ate what I wanted, when I wanted. It is such a great feeling to give myself limits and bounderies.

So although I have gained the 3 I have learned a ton about myself :)

Today even though it is a FREE for ALL day, I had nuts for breakfast and I split a burrito dinner with Loretta (co-worker). I am stuffed and feel good.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


This is me this morning - Jan 2011

This is my A month a go in December 2010.

So, I am on my second round of HCG starting today! I was dreaming of this day - 2 days with drops and all I want to eat. I picked up donuts and chocolate milk and feel sick to my stomach. I do not like donuts anymore... they are gross!

Tonight I am eating sushi and tampura! can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

I wanted to add the pictures at the end of my post, but I am not sure how to do that.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I am so excited for February .... I love, love Valentine's Day - Not because of the "romance" aspect but because we celebrate LOVE! I love many things... family, friends,music, dancing, reading, crafts... but my favorite love of all is Ed.

I am a Stampin' Up demo and on Saturday Feb 5th I am doing a workshop themed " Valentine's Day Extraveganza" I cannot wait! I have my cute Love-Day outfit picked and the projects picked.

Oh, on a side note, I did not watch the Presidential Address last night, instead I went in my closet and tried on clothes that still have their tags - clothes I bought thinking one day I will fit in to them - Well that day has come! I am officially ONE size smaller - From 18 to 16.... can't wait until 14 :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Year - New Blog :)

I have been wanting to document my life since we moved to Texas, but my procrastinating self would not let me.

We love Texas!