Friday, January 28, 2011


Let me first start off by explaining my title today.

In Phase 1 of the HCG diet you take the HGC drops 3 x per day AND load (which means you eat anything you want). I mentioned in an earlier post that I was super excited about eating whatever I wanted.

Well I weighed myself this morning and I gained 3, yes- THREE/TRES pounds. At first I was very upset! My first round I gained 2 lbs in 2 days. I could not believe it! But gaining these 3 lbs (which I will lose by Sunday) has given me a chance to really look at the relationship that I have with food. This is the knowledge I learned about myself:

1. Food is not comforting anymore :) ... when I think about donuts and pecan pie I get negative feelings - not those comforting feeling I use to get.

2. I am so happy that I now think of what I am putting in my mouth and the consequence that follows - yesterday I ate: 1 donut, chocolate milk, 2 pigs in a blanket with jalapeno, a roll, briskett, fries, pecan pie, 3 large shrimp tampura, about 3 large shrimp rolls, potato tampura- so that is how I gained my 3 lbs - BUT before I would eat that much in a day and not even think of what I was doing to my body. No wonder I was super sized!

3. I am so looking forward to tomorrow and the 22 days that follow. I love the structured eating. The bounderies that this diet gives me. Before I had no bounderies, I ate what I wanted, when I wanted. It is such a great feeling to give myself limits and bounderies.

So although I have gained the 3 I have learned a ton about myself :)

Today even though it is a FREE for ALL day, I had nuts for breakfast and I split a burrito dinner with Loretta (co-worker). I am stuffed and feel good.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


This is me this morning - Jan 2011

This is my A month a go in December 2010.

So, I am on my second round of HCG starting today! I was dreaming of this day - 2 days with drops and all I want to eat. I picked up donuts and chocolate milk and feel sick to my stomach. I do not like donuts anymore... they are gross!

Tonight I am eating sushi and tampura! can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

I wanted to add the pictures at the end of my post, but I am not sure how to do that.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I am so excited for February .... I love, love Valentine's Day - Not because of the "romance" aspect but because we celebrate LOVE! I love many things... family, friends,music, dancing, reading, crafts... but my favorite love of all is Ed.

I am a Stampin' Up demo and on Saturday Feb 5th I am doing a workshop themed " Valentine's Day Extraveganza" I cannot wait! I have my cute Love-Day outfit picked and the projects picked.

Oh, on a side note, I did not watch the Presidential Address last night, instead I went in my closet and tried on clothes that still have their tags - clothes I bought thinking one day I will fit in to them - Well that day has come! I am officially ONE size smaller - From 18 to 16.... can't wait until 14 :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Year - New Blog :)

I have been wanting to document my life since we moved to Texas, but my procrastinating self would not let me.

We love Texas!