Wednesday, April 24, 2013


R1P2D18 = -1

Total = 16.2

I have not updated the blog because the last few days have been rough! We have company in town and on Friday night I had BBQ and did not gain anything on Saturday when I weighed in. Saturday I ate Sushi and more BBQ and Sunday I gained :( THEN on Monday I was pretty good but I hit a plateau :(  * so many sad faces! So yesterday I did an apple day but only managed to eat one apple because I was very busy and although I got hungry the pains went away after a while.

So although I put that I lost ONE pound, it really is more but I am counting from last time I had a lost, is it cheating? not sure, but it is reality! I am back on track and ready to attack! I am so close to my goal!

It has been such fun having a visitor from Canada! plus it's family! A is a lot of fun and it is good to have some young energy in the house!


Friday, April 19, 2013


R1P2D12 = -0.2
R1P2D13= -0.0

Total 14.2 lbs down!

So I am sick! I stayed home from work yesterday and just layed around and did nothing! E picked up dinner - Pollo Regio! I had two peices of chicken/w skin and 1/2 grilled onion PLUS beans -I wanted rice & beans but figured I was getting out of control so I just ate the yummy beans and called it a day! I was not surprised by the scale this morning.

Today I am back on the wagon and I will stick to it!

Ashley is visiting for a week and my plan is to stick to the plan no matter what!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013


R1P2D11= -0.8

Total = 14 LBS people!!!!!!!

I need to stop feeling that if I lose point something that it means I am not doing well. The pounds are coming off little by little and I need to be/feel happy with that. I am heading downhill (21 days in this round and I am at 11) now and the daily losses will be less and less so I need to be okay with that. I am SIX lbs away from my goal! It used to be 20! I am down to 6! Little by little I will chip away at this weight so I can emerge a HEALTHY ME! That is my goal, I want to push myself physically, emotionally and mentally. This is about my health, the low calorie icing (is there such a thing?) on the cake is that I will be smaller. My main goal is to have a strong heart that can sustain me for a long time as I lose the weight my heart won't have to work as hard.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


R1P2D10 = -0.8

Total Lost = 13.2 :)

Yesterday for lunch I had chicken and sourkrauet and dinner I had fish and curtido (El Salvadorean Slaw) I think that is why the loss was not as impressive today. I AM OKAY WITH THAT! A loss is a loss and I am happy! No matter what I am sticking to this!


Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend Update

Saturday - R1P2D7 =  -1.0
Sunday - R1P2D8 = -0.2 (story and feeling below)
Today - R1P2D9-  -2

Total so far.... 12.4 lbs !!!!

What a crazy weekend! On Friday night E and I went to Lee Harvey's, it was our first time going and it was FUN! We ate outside and watched a Cure tribute band named Le Cure! Prior to going I researched their menu and low and behold they sell a chicken or burger patty with a choice of salsa on the side. I debated about eating there knowing that in the past weekends are very difficult and Mondays and Tuesdays are spent playing catch up. I decided because we were going out so late and would probably be out later that I would bite the bullet and get a burger patty with salsa and TONS of water. It was divine! the portion was probably close to 3 protein portions but oh well... I had no regrets. E got the burger and fries that looked divine. I did not eat anything from his plate, correction, I had pickles and they were DIVINE so I ordered an extra little cup and ate away! I knew that I would have to "pay" for it on Saturday's weight in but low and behold I lost a POUND! I was so surprised (and happy). Saturday was tough because we had errands to run and we were not home that much. I didn't eat anything off protocol but I didn't eat my two meals. Just one dinner. So I was not happy when Sunday's weigh in was a mere 0.2 lbs. I did not get discouraged, a loss is a loss no matter what! I will chip away at this weight for my health! But I figured that it probably took a couple of days for that big burger patty to process and that is why the loss was miniscule.
This morning, our 13th Year Anniversary I was hoping for a BIG loss so I could hit 13 on 13 :) but nope. I am VERY happy with my 2 lbs lost! Now that I think about it I may have hit 13 so I have to redo my math... I will update the post but I am VERY VERY VERY happy with this journey. It is difficult but my health is worth it! I am sticking to it no matter what!


Friday, April 12, 2013

R1P2D6= -1.4

total - 9.2

I am feeling pretty good right about now :)

The weekends are difficult (or atleast they were). What has helped me tremendously is having my protein ready and cooked in the fridge so I can just grab and go. Being prepared is half the battle with this diet.

We are going to a concert tonight - late - I will be drinking a lot of water!

I am sticking to it no matter what!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

R1P2D5 = -1.2 lbs

I am happy with that number, my total so far is -7.8 lbs.

Last night I made a Phase 2 friendly chili - I thawed some ground beef but it was 93/7 % lean and that made me very nervous, so instead I made meat balls for Ed and made my chili with chicken. It was TO DIE FOR! I added a ton of chili powder and cumin. I made some for lunch today!

Side note - Phase 3 I will be able to have those meatballs and sauce but instead of angel hair pasta I will be having it on top of spaghetti squash!

I am seeing/feeling changes... small changes like my back rolls don't sit on top of each other! They are standing on their own (except when I sit, which is encouraging me to stand up and walk around) I can't wait until they are gone. I know this might be TMI for some, but this is how I feel and I am pretty sure I am not the only person that has back rolls that sit sat on top of each other!

Ed's and I conversation on the way to work was about being prepared for those days that I don't lose or lose point something. I am so grateful for Lowry (I follow her blog, she lost 100 lbs doing 4 rounds of HCG and she blogged her progress/dissapointments) she has done all the research for me, what to do when I stall.... she is an inspiration!

I know that I am at the beginning of this journey so there is no way I will quit! I will stick it out!


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

R1P2D4 = -1.6 lbs

I think the sauerkraut (which has salt) did me in. I will be better today. I am having chicken and tomatoes for lunch. I think I am going to X my grissino stick and see what happens. For dinner I am making a Phase 2 friendly chilli - perfect for this rainy day.

Last night was rough. I made talapia and esparagus and it filled me up for about 2 minutes! I went for a walk and that helped a little but I still felt hungry. I drank a ton of water and had strawberries for evening snack. I survived!

This diet is so hard, not only physically but mentally. I am going to stick with it no matter what!

I am looking forward to Phase 3, just to see what I can learn about my body and how it reacts to healthier foods. I think I have all the tools I need to be successful (this time). I am prepared and ready to go. I also know that I need to live in the now and focus on Phase 2.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

P2D3 = -2.2 lbs

Yeah!!!! I am done 5 lbs and loving it! This morning I woke up super thirsty (not hungry!). I planned my lunch and brought to work. I think that is going to be the hardest, not eating all the OPF (other people's food) that show up at work. I have my mind set that I will eat what I bring.

Last night I had grilled chicken with sauerkraut and mustard :) The kraut has salt so I need to be careful not to over do it.

I will post pictures soon.


Monday, April 8, 2013

So I made it thru my first day with drops and the 500 cal diet = VLCD. Don't get me wrong it was ROUGH! Most of yesterday was spent talking myself out of giving up.....

I would think " just do a low carb diet and exercise every day" my response would be " well, you know how well you do at exercising everyday (sarcasm)" Finally I went into my closet and grabbed one of my favorite summer dresses and hung it on the pantry door - visible from the kitchen/dining room/living room. I kept on looking at the dress hanging there so pretty and it motivated me to keep going! Tonight I will hang a pair of white pants in the bedroom to have a reminder there too.

So I loaded on Friday and Saturday and gained 1.6 lbs (not too shabby). This morning I weighed in and I have lost a total of 2.8 lbs :)

P2D2 = - 2.8 lbs

My goal is to lose 20 lbs, at the beginning the weight comes off quickly so I am preparing myself for the days that the weight is less than a pound a day.

Mentally I am so ready for this change in my life. No matter what, I am sticking to this!

I will post every few days.


Friday, April 5, 2013

It's me again.... and once again I am going to start HCG :)
My downfall is phase 3 - I have not estabalised my weight thus gaining all my weight back :(

Today is P1D1 - Load Day - I do great at this phase (I think it is because this is the phase I have lived most of my life :(

I am going to document my progress.